LJLA Fellowship - Application Form 2025 "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 7 14% Do you meet the eligibility criteria?Are you Nigerian? Yes No Work experience Less than 2 years 2 years Above 2 years Age bracket Less than 25 years 25 - 35 years Above 35 years Qualification HND University Degree NYSC / Exemption Certificate Yes No PERSONAL INFORMATIONUpload Passport PhotographAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Full Name* TitleMr.Mrs.Ms.Dr..Engr.Arch.Others Prefix First Last Date of BirthSex Male Female Marital Status Single Married Divorced Phone Number✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid numberWhatsApp Number✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid numberEmail Address Residential Address Street Address Address Line 2 City State Upload Means of IdentificationAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Note: Accepted Valid IDs are National Identification Number (NIN), Lagos State Resident Card (LASRRA), International Passport, Driver's License, and Voter's Card.How did you hear about the LJLA Fellowship?----Select----Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn)LJLA Website / Google SearchNews Media (Newspapers, TV, Radio, Blogs)Print & Outdoor Advertising (Flyers, Billboards)Current Fellow / AlumniIn Person EventOthers(Please specify)Have you previously applied for the Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy Fellowship? Yes No EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDUpload CVAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.Upload Academic CertificateAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.Upload NYSC or Exemption CertificateAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.Highest Level of Education*SelectHNDFirst Degree (BSc/BA/LLB/MBBS...etc)Masters DegreeDoctorate DegreeCourseInstitutionStart DateGraduation Date PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUNDAre you a Lagos State Civil Servant? Yes No Grade LevelMinistries, Departments, and Agencies. (MDA)Current PositionOrganisation DIVERSITY MONITORINGGender Male Female I prefer not to say What is your religion or belief?ChristianityIslamTraditionalOther religionPrefer not to sayPlease specifyEthnicityYorubaIgboHausaOthersPlease specifyState of OriginAbiaAdamawaAkwa IbomAnambraBauchiBayelsaBenueBornoCross RiverDeltaEbonyiEdoEkitiEnuguFCT - AbujaGombeImoJigawaKadunaKanoKatsinaKebbiKogiKwaraLagosNasarawaNigerOgunOndoOsunOyoPlateauRiversSokotoTarabaYobeZamfaraState of ResidenceAbiaAdamawaAkwa IbomAnambraBauchiBayelsaBenueBornoCross RiverDeltaEbonyiEdoEkitiEnuguFCT - AbujaGombeImoJigawaKadunaKanoKatsinaKebbiKogiKwaraLagosNasarawaNigerOgunOndoOsunOyoPlateauRiversSokotoTarabaYobeZamfaraLGA of ResidenceDo you have a disability? Yes No Please specifyDo you have any criminal record? Yes No Please specify Write a Personal Statement (*300 words max*) Referee Information (Academia and Professional)As part of your application for the Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy Fellowship programme, please provide the details of two referees —one academic and one professional— who can attest to your work experience (professional referee), educational qualifications (academic referee), leadership potential, and character. The Academy will contact your referees to verify the information provided. Referee One - AcademiaFull Name First Name Last Name Designation/Job Title:InstitutionEmail Address Phone Number✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid numberRelationship to Applicant: Referee Two - ProfessionalFull Name First Name Last Name Designation/Job Title:OrganizationEmail Address Phone Number✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid numberRelationship to Applicant: Acknowledgement & Data Protection Consent* The information I have submitted to the Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy is true and valid. * My completed application data will be kept confidential and protected. * My application may be reviewed by third parties on behalf of the Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy as part of the selection process.* By submitting this application, I hereby certify that:* The information I have submitted to the Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy is true and valid. * My completed application data will be kept confidential and protected. * My application may be reviewed by third parties on behalf of the Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy as part of the selection process. Δ